Daily Devotions
Meditation, Prayers, and Assorted Stuff for May 15, 2020
Henri Nouwen, Bread for the Journey, “Dying with Grateful Hearts”
We often wonder how death will occur for us. Through illness, accident, war, or a natural disaster? Will our deaths happen suddenly or gradually? There are no answers for these questions, so we really should not spend time worrying about them. We don’t know how our lives will end, and this is a blessed ignorance! But there is an important question that we should consider: When. our time to die comes, will we die in such a way that those we leave behind will not be devastated by grief or left with feelings of shame or guilt?
How we leave others depends largely on how we prepare ourselves for death. When we are able to die with grateful hearts, grateful to God and our families and friends, our deaths can become sources of life for others.
More prayers from the website faithandworship.com:
Help us to put aside preconceptions about other people, because that alters our behaviour, and simply accept that they, like us, are precious in your eyes.
Bless the givers, eyes open for those in need of prayer, encouragement, support, a little time, the gift of love. In the act of giving and receiving may both be blessed.
In the darker moments when clouds gather and the heaviness we feel seems overwhelming, remind us of your love, carrying the weight of so much in that cross, embracing the world with arms outstretched that we might know freedom from the chains which now constrain us. Bring us to your light, release our burdens and from despair bring hope.
More from Cuyler Black…

Today’s links!
https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/07/us/lost-postcard-returned-trnd/index.htmlCOVID cleaning is a thing—even for the US Post Office, evidently.
https://www.fatherly.com/news/elmo-instagram-sesame-street-muppet/If you’re on Instagram, you might want to check out a newbie named Elmo’s account. He’s only three and half years old, but his mommy and daddy are helping him.
https://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/transportation/alternative-transportation/inflatable-ebike-fits-in-a-backpack Here’s something interesting…an inflatable electric bike.
https://iss-sim.spacex.com/SpaceX’s simulator lets you practice docking at the space station.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avlOGya53IUOne of the ways folks over in Great Britain spend their tax money is by putting pianos in public transit stations. Watch—and hear–what can happen!
Don’t forget worship Sunday at 9 AM. New this week: “Doughnut room” time starting at 8:30 am. Come early, just to catch up with each other and talk!
Here’s the Zoom info:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/815064120, Meeting ID: 815 064 120
Stay safe and stay well!