The St. John Church Council decided, at their June meeting, to return to worship in our sanctuary beginning with an 8 AM service on July 19. Zoom worship will continue as well, with a starting time of 9:15 AM.
Those wishing to attend should call the church office at 475-2947 to make a reservation as well as to volunteer their time either as an usher or a screener. Attendance will be limited to 50 people. If more than that number sign up on a given Sunday, those bumped from the list will be moved to the top of the list for the following week. If there is sufficient demand, another in person service may be later added at 10:30 AM.
Please read and follow the guidelines for attending worship during the pandemic. Our goal as a community of faith is to worship safely, not endangering anyone’s health by deliberately ignoring prudent safety measures such as staying home when ill, practicing good handwashing procedures, and wearing a mask to protect those around us.
What to Expect When
Returning to In-Person Worship
Before You Go to Church
- Remember to register with the church office (475-2947). In order to keep our attendance at or below the 50-person limit, only those who signed up in advance will be admitted. Reservations for worship on July 19 will start being taken Monday, July 13.
- If you call to sign up and the headcount for that Sunday is full, your name will be placed on a waiting list for the following week, which will be filled on a first-come, first-reserved basis. If we consistently run out of room and there is enough interest, an additional service may be scheduled in the future.
When You Get to Church
- Doors will be open about 20 minutes before worship begins at 8 AM
- Please be patient as our greeters take your temperature, check to make sure you’re among those who registered, and help you sanitize your hands.
Please remember that, by wearing a mask, you’re protecting your neighbor from unintentional infection. If you don’t have a mask, one will be provided for you when you arrive.
- Observe social distancing at all times.
- Ushers will take you to your seat and dismiss you at the end of worship, filling pews from the front before the service, and dismissing people from the rear at the end to minimize contact.
During Worship
- Please don’t change seats.
- Please don’t leave unless absolutely necessary.
Be prepared for a “new normal,” at least for the foreseeable future. That will mean, in part:
- A shorter than normal worship service
- No hymnals or bulletins
- No singing or spoken responses
- No passing of the peace beyond a friendly wave
- No lingering in the foyer before or after worship
- No passing of the collection plate. Please leave your offering in the box provided at the rear of the sanctuary.
- When we celebrate communion, we will do so with sealed cups distributed by an usher as you enter the sanctuary.
After the Service
- Be sure to take all personal items with you.
- Wait for an usher to dismiss you.
- Don’t linger in the foyer or outside the church doors.
- Please leave your mask on until you’re outside and away from others.
Worship under COVID will require extra volunteers, a minimum of two to usher and two to help with screening. You can volunteer to help when you call in your reservation. Thanks!
While the Church Council, staff, and volunteers at St. John’s will do their best to follow public health guidelines, anyone attending worship should understand that they assume the danger of contracting COVID-19 anytime they enter a public space. No matter how many precautions we may take, we cannot eliminate the risk of infection.