Daily Devotions
Meditation, Prayers, and Assorted Stuff for July 13, 2020
Henri Nouwen, Bread for the Journey, “Being Chosen”
Jesus is taken by God, or, better, chosen by God. Jesus is the hosen One. From all eternity God has
chosen his most precious Child to become the savior of the world. Being chosen expresses a
special relationship, being known and loved in a unique way, being singled out. In our society
our being chosen always implies that others are not chosen. But this is not true for God. God
chooses his Son to reveal to us our chosenness.
In the Kingdom of God there is no competition or rivalry. The Son of God shares his chosenness
with us. In the Kingdom of God each person is precious and unique, and each person has been
given eyes to see the chosenness of others and rejoice in it.
Today’s prayer is from “Prayers” by Michael Quoist.
I would like to rise very high, Lord:
Above my city, above the world, above time.
I would like to purify my glance and borrow your eyes.
I would then see the universe, humanity, history, as the Father sees them.
I would see in the prodigious transformation of matter,
In the perpetual seething of life,
Your great Body that is born of the breath of the Spirit.
I would see the beautiful, the eternal thought of your Father’s
Love taking form, step by step: Everything summed up in you,
Things on earth and things in heaven.
And I would see that today, like yesterday, the most minute details are part of it.
Every person in place, every group and every object.
I would see the tiniest particle of matter and the smallest throbbing of life,
Love and hate, Sin and grace.
Startled, I would understand that the great adventure of love,
which started at the beginning of the world, is unfolding before me,
The divine story which, according to your promise,
will be completed only in glory after the resurrection of the flesh,
When you will come before the Father, saying: All is accomplished.
I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.
I would understand that everything is linked together,
That all is but a single movement of the whole of humanity
and of the whole universe toward the Trinity, in you, by you, Lord.
I would understand that my life, an imperceptible breath in this great whole,
Is an indispensable treasure in the Father’s plan.
Then, falling on my knees, I would admire, Lord, the mystery of this world
Which, in spite of the innumerable and hateful snags of sin,
Is a long throb of love towards Love eternal.
I would like to rise very high, Lord,
Above my city, above the world, above time.
I would like to purify my glance and borrow your eyes.

Dad Jokes
We have a printer at work nicknames “Bob Marley.” It’s always jammin.
The earliest memory I have as a child is vising the optician and getting my first pair of glasses. Life before that is a bit of a blur.
My wife keeps telling me to stop pretending to be butter. But I’m on a roll now.
Today’s links!
https://www.washingtonpost.com/Here’s the story of a flying banana that found its
way home.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/An emergency room physician in Manhattan wrote this opinion piece for the Washington Post. “Wear a mask,” he pleads. “My life and the lives of my colleagues across the country depend on it.”
https://www.inspiremore.com/max-woosey-tent-fundraiser/ This ten-year-old has spent 100 nights camping in his back yard to raise money for the local hospice that cared for his neighbor and wife. He’s raised just under $15,000…and is still camping.
https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/food/story/fridges-filled-free-food-popping-york-city-combat-71670146Fridges filled with free food are popping up around New York City to combat food insecurity. You can read more here.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=22&v=lWpmALY8Z_s&feature=emb_logo You didn’t know it, but you REALLY want to hear ABBA’s “Mama Mia” played on a banjo.
Zoom church will continue – Sunday worship at 9:15 AM, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/815064120, Meeting ID: 815 064 120
****************************************** Dial in to participate at +1 312 626 6799.
Copies of “Our Daily Bread” have arrived in the church office. Feel free to stop by and pick up a copy, or help distribute them to others.
Warnecke Building Restoration has started work here at the church. Feel free to stop by for a look, but PLEASE keep a safe distance!
Stay safe and stay well!